Pune school student slashes classmate’s throat over school event dispute, police book accused for attempted murder A horrific incident occurred at a school in Pune’s Mangarul area, where a 15-year-old student was attacked by his classmate with a glass shard, slitting his throat. The incident happened during school hours, and the victim was immediately rushed […]

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Sinhagad Road Police Arrest Two Wanted Accused, Including One Absconding in MCOCA Case

Pune: In a successful operation, Sinhagad Road Police have arrested two wanted accused, Ravi Madhukar Jadhav (26) and his associate Ashwin alias Barkya Balakrishna Lonare (20). Ravi was absconding in an attempt-to-murder case and was also booked under the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA). Ravi, a resident of Sanjivani Heritage, Jadhav Nagar, Vadgaon, […]

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State Excise Department registers 923 cases, arrests 843 individuals

Pune’s State Excise Department has launched a major crackdown on illicit liquor ahead of the assembly elections. Since October 1, 2024, they’ve registered 923 cases, arrested 843 individuals, and seized 96 vehicles and liquor worth ₹3.51 crore. Habitual offenders are being targeted under the Maharashtra Prohibition Act, 1949, with 50 proposals filed and bond papers […]

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Police Seize 128 kg Gold Worth ₹138 Crore in Pune

In a significant haul, Pune police intercepted a vehicle carrying 128 kg of gold worth ₹138 crore during a checkpoint inspection on Saturday. The vehicle was stopped at a checkpoint on Satara Road near Padmavati. The gold, valued at ₹138 crore, was found in boxes inside the vehicle. Preliminary investigations revealed that the gold belonged […]

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Pune Police Nab Notorious ATM Card Swapper

Pune, October 21, 2024 – In a significant breakthrough, the Shivajinagar Police Station has arrested Pramod Sitaram Chalmare (47), a notorious scammer accused of swapping ATM cards and stealing ₹21,000 from a victim’s account. According to the police, Chalmare targeted ATM centers, swapping victims’ cards with duplicates and withdrawing cash using the stolen cards. The […]

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