Kalyani Nagar Residents Outraged by AM Infoweb Employees’ Disturbance
Pune, November 2 – A group of AM Infoweb employees sparked outrage in Kalyani Nagar after bursting firecrackers in the residential area, causing immense disturbance and disruption to the community’s peaceful living.
The incident occurred on November 2 at 3:00 am at Cerebrum IT park, Dmart Lane, Kalyani Nagar. Despite residents’ requests to stop, the employees continued to burst firecrackers for over three hours, showing blatant disregard for the laws and the well-being of senior citizens and patients.
“This is not the kind of Corporate Social Responsibility that AM Infoweb prides itself on,” said a resident. “Disturbing the peace and tranquility of the community, and disregarding the well-being of senior citizens and patients, is unacceptable.”
The noise pollution caused by the firecrackers has serious consequences for the health of the residents, especially the elderly and patients. “The disturbance continued for over three hours, from 3:00 am to 6:00 am, causing significant disruption to our sleep and daily routines,” said another resident.
Kalyani Nagar residents are escalating the issue to the police and demanding strict action against the employees responsible. “We demand strict action against the employees responsible for this disturbance and hope that this reportage will serve as a deterrent to others who may think of engaging in such irresponsible behavior,” said a resident.
The community is shocked by the inconsiderate behavior of the AM Infoweb employees. “While a few employees understood the issue and apologized, one employee was adamant and continued to cause nuisance, showing no regard for the well-being of the residents,” said a resident.
The residents of Kalyani Nagar are urging the authorities to take action against the employees and ensure that such incidents do not recur in the future. “We request you to highlight this incident and bring it to the attention of the authorities, ensuring that such incidents do not recur in the future,” said a resident.
AM Infoweb has yet to comment on the incident.